The new normal is abnormal in our relationships: They call bosses while they make love on Sundays

NEW normally crept into our lives and relationships so spontaneously that we didn’t even turn around, and a lot of what we knew disappeared imperceptibly. It was as if much of the old had gone to waste, and the new had not yet arrived. After opening shops and cafes, we all hurried back to our usual routines, only a good part of them seemed to have disappeared. Not only are some habits gone, but so are people. They are still there, but somehow they are different, just like our relationships.
Numerous friendships a few decades old and in two months of the pandemic have brought to the surface all their problems or pointlessness. The resentments and truths we did not have time to deal with seemed to have ruled two months of isolation. Under normal circumstances, we would probably ignore them, but after two months of life, in some cases, without work, money, security for health and property, and even in solitude, it is as if a new algorithm has been created in our heads. The result is that we are no longer willing to spend time on things that are superfluous. If it’s relationships and relationships, some have broken up without a raised tone and greeting. As if none of us have the strength or nerves to waste time on those who don’t deserve it. Our wicks are short, and this is best seen in the numerous physical crashes at intersections. I clearly doubt they happened just because of the traffic. Perhaps a parent in a neighboring car recognized his daughter’s geography teacher, who rated his homework only very good.
Teachers remained mostly trapped in their homes
After three months of daily learning and writing homework, parents are healthy for a sanatorium vacation with gentle doses of sedatives, which will help them regain lost balance and prepare for the efforts of the new school year. For three months, most often with work, the parents diligently wrote homework and read, and then a teacher there said that it could have been better. I can already see that blind that fell over the eyes of the helpless parent and all that anger over the whole situation that he wanted to erupt on the weak teacher’s shoulders at that moment.
On the other hand, although the quarantine ended, the teachers remained mostly trapped in their homes. Through social networks, various applications, e-mail, and mobile phones, they are constantly in communication with students and their parents. I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t seen with my own eyes what online piano lessons at a private music school look like. Due to a combination of circumstances, I had the opportunity to spend a weekend in an apartment with a piano teacher. For a reason I do not understand, she decided to be available to her students whenever they wanted during the last two weeks of the school year. At a time when no one cares about others, for some reason, it is important for her that the children pass the class, but also that they come to the next class with the minimum necessary knowledge. In order to satisfy the children, who did not arrive in quarantine in two months or wanted to practice, at the final exam, she decided to work with them online as much as their circumstances allow. But what about her opportunities?
A drink at the end of the shift
The teacher also has a daughter in the first grade of primary school, who during that same weekend must memorize the morning prayer to Jesus and read the reading Pale alone in the world. The child can read, but for most words, both in prayer and in reading, she says that they are unknown to her, although she usually uses them in some form. So the piano teacher on weekends between chasing her students, who regularly forget about the agreed online lesson, and listening to horribly bad piano performances of ten-year-olds, parallel to her own child explains the meaning of Croatian words and tries to help her offspring understand what he read.
Her friend is a high school teacher who, due to the conclusion of grades, has been sitting at the computer every day from 7 am to 7 pm, after which she pours herself a drink to raise awareness and gather strength to continue with life and work, which has become one due to online teaching, and the same.
So, if teachers are not beaten up by one of the angry parents, who are not happy with the assessment of their homework, they will be killed by stress, exhaustion, depression or alcohol.
Modern slavery in the new normal
The new normal seems to be the most advanced slave-owning system to date. In the classical slave-owning system, slaves at least did not have to worry about basic existential issues such as food and housing. Today’s owners, ie the state and employers, have shifted the entire burden to the slaves, who now have to provide even the working space and means of work themselves. In addition, the law stipulates that slaves must provide their own children with education, and this year it fell on the backs of parents / slaves.
Modern slavery has expanded to all sectors in the new normal. Slaves are available from 0 to 24, their cell phones never go silent, messages, calls, wish orders and boss problems arrive on all possible channels and screens, on Fridays and holidays. Clients’ problems are also solved on vacation. Worst of all, modern slaves don’t complain at all. As if no one cares that they are completely deprived of time for themselves, that they are addicted to stress and that they twitch at every notification and call the boss / owner on the phone even while making love on Sundays.
It is also bizarre that the rarely positive thing in the new normal is at the same time a terrible tragedy. Namely, many of us secretly hope that this season we can finally afford a vacation in our own homeland.
Some coast cities are empty as they were during the war times
Rentiers are still expecting a rush of tourists in July and August, so the prices of accommodation on the coast have not been significantly reduced, but it seems that the art of bargaining could finally reach our culture this summer. Apartments and cottages are sought through the link and will wait for last minute options to grab them below cost.
If it weren’t all that tragic, it would be unbelievably beautiful. This June, there are no drunken people on the beaches, and the sea is as bright as in the most remote bay on the island. All that is missing is the smell of a rancid scrambled egg sandwich in the sun, so you can believe that you have returned to the carefree 80s. The people are still saying the famous “Who pays for this sea”, and a large part of them, looking at the open sea, are trying to forget about the two loans they took out to decorate the apartment, which has been gaping empty for months.
Will we survive and how, everyone is wondering these days
Happiness because of the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of our own country, which in recent years has been turned into a not so cheap, but rather bad restaurant due to tourism, is mixed with panic despair that comes with the uncertainties of the coming autumn. Will we survive and how everyone is wondering these days. This is also one of the reasons why some still only go out on the benches and drink beer from the store, and some do not. These are the ones who discovered in two months of quarantine that even with less money you can live a much nicer and better life than was the case when they worked seven days a week.
Our new normal is a mixture of absurd situations, fear, enjoyment, and utter alienation. The ground beneath our feet has slipped away, the question is whether we should, therefore, learn to fly or spend the last penny on summer vacations and perfect our swimming skills.
Stay safe and take care each for others