
I would wait for You forever

On the contrary, You should not be afraid of kilometers.
Considering how boundaries will separate You, the distance will distance You, lack will overcome You. When you sincerely love someone, then it doesn’t matter where he/she is, but how long you are ready to wait for him/her. And there are people you are willing to wait for the rest of your life. Such people are irreplaceable. You feel their closeness even as they are miles away. If you can keep a person in your chest, remaining faithful to it to the point of unconsciousness, then You can do anything. After all, there is nothing cleaner than that. From unlimited security to someone’s love. If You look better around you, you will see how uninteresting and unnecessary others are to You. You don’t want them because your wish is on hold. It’s a little weird but completely true. We often give up the whole world, for the sake of one person who will come and be our new world.

We deeply believe in it and that is the main reason why we are ready to wait as much as we need. The best example is the movie The Notebook from 2004. If You didn’t watch this movie yet, You must!

Although, on the other hand, these people are not far away at all. When you talk to someone every day, giving it your maximum so that he/she does not feel lonely or less loved, the thing is clear – it is your dream, your universe, and your reason to breathe. As long as he/she is there, there will be You. It is possible to put out the fire, melt the ice, beat the cold. It is impossible to stop loving the one who loves You with the same strength. Maybe even stronger.

You know a very well known statement, the love wins after all. It is totally true. Love inspires many people in history. And it inspires us. It motivates us, it pushes us toward to be better, to reach higher, to success…

Fight for love and love will fight for You!

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