I have to tell You something, life hurts. You will fall a hundred times. You will be disappointed a thousand times. A million times you will want to give up on your dreams. And you only have one task, to survive all that shit that’s happening to you.
You must be wondering how? How is that possible. I will tell You.
Real and basic thing, learn to love yourself. When loneliness hurts, remember how much bigger a mistake it would be to be with anyone.
When you miss someone, remember that you don’t miss him, otherwise he would call, he would come, he would do anything to reconcile again.
When you lose a friend, make it clear to You that it was never even your friend, because people who love you don’t just leave.
When you run out of money, remember that there are those who are left without a cheek. The money somehow came back sometime, but the cheek never again.
When your soul hurts, remember that there are those who do not have a soul, that is the difference between you and them.
I have to tell you something. Be proud of yourself. You endured a lot. The best times are yet to come.