I’ll tell you a secret, once You lose a good partner, then there’s no going back. You can lose everything in life many times, except for a loyal partner and your own life. You only die once, You only have once what You will never have again. In fact, it is like that. They will look through your fingers, they will suffer your injustice for years, they will try to explain to you how you will regret it, and then they pick up things and disappear. When they leave, it will be their final departure. Such a partner leaves calm, their heads held high, without remorse or guilt. They are aware of their values and their self-esteem. They do not regret it, they over regret. They don’t expect a fresh start with You, they start without You. You are left alone and quite helpless. You ask God for forgiveness, You beg them to come back, but they won’t. They won’t be back. People don’t come back if You didn’t appreciate them while they were present. Why give a person a new chance, if it has already ruined a thousand? Why exchange future happiness for misfortune with the past? Should I risk a safe smile because of a potential tear? No need. So it is gone, it left. That’s why You don’t have it.
Admittedly, it won’t be easy for them either, but it will breathe easier. They will have a peaceful sleep and will know that they are on the right track. Sometimes You have two choices. To let them make a fool of You or to prove to them who a fool is. If You choose the latter, You win.
Don’t allow yourself to lose good people from your life, no matter if it is about partners or just about good friends. Quality people are always hard to find.